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For the love of donuts 2048.png

Hello there!

I've been in Second Life for over 14 years and enjoy all of the new things that I get to experience every day.  There's so much to do and see, the words "there's nothing to do in SL" have never left my lips; I keep busy the best I can and enjoy my time here.


I love to build and decorate, to take photos and explore, spend time with my loved ones, shopping and volunteering.  I also am a live performer in SL and have a few sets a week.  Cody and I have a region that is open to the public and change the theme up every 2-3 months that's full of places to explore and two live venue areas with fantastic singers and performers. 


To connect to all my social medias, groups, calendars and whatever other way I have to connect, check out my Linktree account below.



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