Keep Calm and Look Like Barbie
Featuring: Truth, Kaithleen's, 777 and Majesty
The Tunes: Aqua - Barbie Girl (of course)
I had to jump on the bandwagon and do a Barbie photo. I may have squealed a little when I saw the first trailer of the movie coming out soon. And yes, I was a Barbie girl when I was little. My floor was littered with naked barbies, plastic shoes and bins and bins of clothes. I saw a quote when looking up some Barbie images for inspiration and I may have laughed a little too hard.
"I want to be Barbie, the bitch has everything."
That couldn't be more accurate! I had so many versions of Barbie, all the professions and outfits and themes... now I wonder where that all went. Did my parents throw it all away? I might have to find out! So making this outfit all started because of the car from 777 Motors. I saw it on the weekend sale and just knew I had to do a photo. The dress from Kaithleen's was just a perfect addition with the flared out edge that laid perfectly for this pose. The Truth hair with the matching pink ribbon and the pink fur mules from Majesty finished off this outfit for that perfect "Barbie" look.
I had so much fun making this and getting to live my Barbie fantasy for a few moments. I hope everyone enjoys!
The Look
Truth Adore
Kaithleen's Barbie Vintage Dress - Aqua
Majesty - Fur Mules [Pink]
[777] Harlie Car V2
Vibing - Alicia Rings - Gold
Orsini Jewelry AIMY Necklace
lel EvoX Raven head
[Glam Affair] Maxine Skin Caramel
Velour "Chiseled Cheek" Sienna
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