"Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would." - Anonymous
Sometimes this quote is hard to follow. You let the thoughts and words of others influence your self-worth. You let the words of others hold you back from doing things, from believing in yourself and from taking that leap of faith. But follow this quote you must... you have to step out into the sun and grow. Grow in ways you never thought you could, in ways that no one ever thought you could.
If I look back, the growth I've had just in the past year has been amazing. I definitely stepped out in places that others and myself, never thought I could. With my singing, region designing, photography, event management and this right here... blogging! And while I know I have to give myself some of the credit, I couldn't have done this without the care and love of Cody. He helps me become a better version of myself, supports me and is my biggest fan. My friends are also a big part of my life and support my crazy, are there for me and show me love every day.
In regards to region and landscaping design, this background here is from our new region, Lake Oblivion. Lake Oblivion opened April 11th and you can visit here to find a beautiful lake with kayaking and swimming, mountain trails, a farm with the cutest animals and even goat yoga!

The Look
~MR~ Chamomile Heart~
.miss. chelsea. Peni Cardigan Seaform (FaMESHed April 2023 Round)
.miss. chelsea. Peni Dress Geo (FaMESHed April 2023 Round)
Vibing - Alicia Rings - Gold
Truth Collective/Bestie with Bangs 2
Orsini Jewelry AIMY Necklace
Reborn by eBODY
lel EvoX Raven head
Izzie's LeL Evo X Cheeck Freckles
alme. Mesh Stilletto Nails - The Nudes
.:Vegas:. Tattoo Siren
Velour "Chiseled Cheek" Sienna